Enterprise Estonia

Hobujaama 4
10151 Tallinn

+372 667 4100

Enterprise Estonia

Estonian Business and Innovation Agency (EIS) was established in 2022 following the merger of KredEx and Enterprise Estonia (EAS).

KredEx was a foundation set up by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in 2001 with the aim of providing financial solutions based on the best practices in the world. 

As of end-2021, KredEx had an outstanding guarantee volume of mEUR 163 and supported a total of 737 small and medium-sized companies.

AECM accession year2002
Legal formFoundation
Geographical and sectoral coverageNational
Industry, Crafts, Retail, Liberal professions, Cooperatives, Agriculture, fishery, forestry and real estate development are excluded
ProductsLoan guarantees, Housing guarantees, Leasing guarantees, Project guarantees, Export guarantees, Venture capital guarantees
Counter-guaranteeLocal, regional, national and EU counter-guarantee

Tallinn/Brussels, 29th September 2022