Viale Liegi, 26
00198 Rome
+39 06 855681

ISMEA (Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare) is an economic public body established by the merger of the Istituto per Studi, Ricerche e Informazioni sul Mercato Agricolo and the Cassa per la Formazione della Proprietà Contadina.
As part of its institutional functions, ISMEA carries out information, insurance and financial services and establishes forms of credit and financial guarantees for agricultural enterprises and their associated forms, in order to promote market information and transparency, facilitate relations with the banking and insurance system, foster business competitiveness and reduce the risks inherent in production and market activities.
ISMEA assists the regions in land reorganisation activities, through the training and extension of agricultural property, and encourages generational change in agriculture on the basis of a specific aid scheme approved by the European Commission.
In carrying out its institutional activities, ISMEA operates solely and exclusively by means of its officials and managers and by virtue of its power of organic representation. Under no circumstances and for no reason whatsoever does ISMEA make use of external intermediaries.
As of end-2021, ISMEA had an outstanding guarantee volume of more than bEUR 16.5. It supported a total of almost 134,000 small and medium-sized companies.
AECM accession year | 2004 |
Legal form | State Agency |
Ownership | Public |
Geographical and sectoral coverage | National Agriculture |
Products | Loan guarantees, loans, equity |
Counter-guarantee | National counter-guarantee |
Rome/Brussels, 24th November 2022