5 Market Street, Floriana, FRN 1083

+356 2226 1700


The Malta Development Bank (MDB) was established and commenced operations in 2017. It is fully owned by the Government of Malta.

According to its mission, the MDB shall contribute towards sustainable economic development that benefits the Maltese people in line with public policy objectives by:

  • promoting inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth
  • supporting infrastructure development
  • linking entrepreneurship, investment and economic growth to improved living conditions, a higher quality of life, and better social inclusion.

The MDB’s strategic objective is to offer financing facilities that support productive and viable operations where the market is unable or unwilling to accommodate such activities on its own in whole or part.

The MDB’s activities focus on complementing and supplementing the operations of market players in the provision of financing facilities, particularly to SMEs, infrastructure projects that contribute to national or regional development, and projects which are socially-oriented, energy efficient and environment friendly.

The MDB performs a promotional role in line with public policy. The MDB’s remit of activities covers a wide range of possible operations where there is evidence of market failure. In general terms, the MDB is engaged in the following priority areas:

  • Private Sector Development, in particular financing the private sector through innovative financing, credit enhancement, venture capital, advisory function;
  • Skills and Technology, in particular sustaining competitiveness by investment in innovation, skills, knowledge-generation and technology;
  • Infrastructure development of regional or national importance;
  • Green Economy, in particular supporting clean energy and energy efficiency projects, sustainable transport, and water resources;
  • Community Services, in particular supporting social enterprises operating community services in such sectors as education, health and housing.

As of end 2021, MDB had an outstanding guarantee volume of almost mEUR 240 and supported around 660 SMEs.

AECM accession year2020
Legal formDevelopment Bank
Geographical and sectoral coverageNational
Industry, social infrastructure
ProductsLoan guarantees, Project guarantees, Bridge financing loans, Student loan guarantees
Counter-guaranteeNational and EU counter-guarantee

Valletta/Brussels, 15th December 2022