The new edition of the Statistical Scoreboard is out, presenting the data from the second semester of 2016. Download it from our Statistics section.
The new edition of the Statistical Scoreboard is out, presenting the data from the second semester of 2016. Download it from our Statistics section.
Want to be part of the AECM team? We are looking for a Junior Policy Officer for a part-time position. The activities envisioned for this role are: Monitoring, analyzing and informing members regarding European and international policy dossiers of relevance for the guarantee sector. Responsible for the AECM working groups: preparation of meetings, drafting of […]
As announced during the past Annual Avent in Madrid, our next Operational Training Session will take place on 5 and 6 October in Athens, Greece. We will be hosted by our Greeek member ETEAN and we will be talking about “Individual vs Portfolio Guarantees”. The Operational Training Sessions of AECM are reserved for AECM members. […]
Every year AECM produces a Facts and Figures publication, presenting data on guarantee activity of the members of the association and a statistical analysis. The publication is created by Marc Basel, our Senior Financial Expert, with the support of all the members who give their data, and of Jean-Louis Leloir, Special Adviser to the Board, […]
Dear all, Since many of you enjoyed a holiday yesterday, I trust that you had a safe trip back home and enjoyed this long weekend cherishing the memories of our great time in Spain. I received so much positive feedback and therefore, I would like to underline that also this year’s success of our annual […]
AECM, CESGAR, the WORLD BANK GROUP and the SME Finance Forum hold the Global Conference for Guarantee Institutions on AECM’s 25th anniversary in Madrid Madrid, 2 June 2017 – AECM, the leading European association of guarantee institutions celebrated its 25th anniversary in Madrid with a dense Annual Event and the Global Conference on Guarantee Institutions for […]
AECM has activated since 2015 the possibility to host interns from all over Europe and the world, for a period of two or three months on average. We host interns who are usually about to finish their studies (and can therefore often have a scholarship, i.e. an Erasmus+ scholarship), giving the opportunity to join our […]
Our annual event is getting nearer and registration is now open! This year will be a special one, as we are celebrating AECM’s 25th anniversary in the country where the association was founded in 1992. We will have a special public session of the General Assembly on June 1 with our former chairmen and on […]
On 08 February 2017 the European Parliament organised a workshop on “The Financing of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)”. Among the five invited experts were i.a. Bernhard Sagmeister, Chairman of AECM, and José Fernando Figueiredo, who is Special Honorary Chairman of AECM and who spoke in his capacity as Executive President of the […]
Brussels, 26 January 2017 – Today, on the occasion of the upcoming mid-term review of COSME and InnovFin, UEAPME, the European Association of Craft and SMEs, and AECM, the umbrella organisation of guarantee institutions in Europe, publish a joint position paper detailing their requests for improving the guarantee instrument. At the joint press breakfast on […]