13 June 2019
Public Session of the General Assembly
Interpretation: DE, EN, ES, FR, IT
14h00 |
Bernhard Sagmeister, Chairman of AECM
Michel Casselman, General Manager, PMV/z-Waarborgen nv
14h10 |
Key note address
Othmar Karas, Member of the European Parliament – video message
14h30 |
“Taking stock of SME policy of the outgoing EU Commission and looking at the challenges ahead ”
Kristin Schreiber, Director, COSME Program, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), European Commission
15h00 |
Presentation of the activities of AECM 2018 – 2019
Bernhard Sagmeister, Chairman of AECM
15h15 |
Networking break
15h45 |
Business transfers: results of a study from Germany
Holger Wassermann, Professor for Controlling and Accounting, FOM University of Applied Science, Berlin
Sascha Frohwerk, Professor for IT-Management, FOM University of Applied Science, Berlin
16h15 |
Panel on policy drivers of guarantee institutions: Best possible support of SMEs’ access to finance
Moderator: Guy Selbherr, Chairman of the AECM working group state aid
Pedro Pisonero Pérez, Chairman of the AECM working group digitisation
Barbara Cattrysse, Senior Legal Counsel, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Astrid Bartels, Deputy Head of Unit, COSME Financial Instruments, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), European Commission and Michel Cottet, rapporteur of the AECM working group financial instruments and structural funds
Michael Pielke, Head of Unit, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia; Financial instruments, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development DG AGRI), European Commission – and László Tóth, Chairman of the AECM working group agriculture
Helmut Kraemer-Eis, Head of Research & Market Analysis, Chief Economist, European Investment Fund (EIF) and Peter Sleeckx, Chairman of the AECM working group statistics and impact
Enrico Gaia, Chairman of the AECM working group law and regulation
18h00 |
Concluding remarks and closing of the meeting
Bernhard Sagmeister, Chairman of AECM
19h30 |
Gala Dinner
14 June 2019
Seminar “The impact of digitization on guarantee business – opportunities and challenges”
Interpretation: DE, EN, ES, FR, IT
08h30 – 09h00 |
Arrival / registration
09h00 |
Opening statements:
Bernhard Sagmeister, Chairman of AECM
Filip Lacquet, Group Manager Corporate Finance, PMV/z-Waarborgen nv
09h10 |
Key note addresses
Helen Kopman, Deputy Head of Unit, Digital Innovation and Blockchain, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT), European Commission.
Alessandro Tappi, Chief Investment Officer at the European Investment Fund (EIF)
Leo van de Loock, Transition Manager Industry 4.0 at Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen
10h10 |
Impulse statement: Insights in the FinTech evolution
Jurgen Ingels, IT-entrepreneur and specialist in FinTechs
10h30 |
Networking break
10h45 |
Panel 1: How digitization and especially FinTechs change the financial world (pros and cons): Specific challenges for SMEs
Moderator and introductory speaker: Lucia Cusmano, Acting Head of Division SME and Entrepreneurship, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities and Executive Secretary for the OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship (WPSMEE), OECD, Paris
Burçak Inel, Head of Financing Growth, European Banking Federation (EBF)
Benjamin Ledwon, Head of Brussels Office, BITKOM e.V., German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media
Luc Hendrickx, Enterprise Policy Director, SMEunited
Marco Vanzetti, Entrepreneur promoted by ISMEA, Vanzetti Holstein, Italy
11h45 |
Panel 2: How will big data and artificial intelligence change the business of guarantee institutions: Management, infrastructure and partnership with FinTechs
Moderator and introductory speaker: Matthew Gamser, CEO, The SME Finance Forum
Ana García Robles, Secretary General of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
Lex van Teeffelen, Professor of Finance and Firm Acquisition, Research Center Innovation and Business, HU Business School, Utrecht / The Netherlands
Nico Peters, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Compeon, the leading product and supplier-independent full-service provider in Germany for SMEs’ access to finance
Wim De Waele, CEO, B-Hive, a European collaborative innovation fintech platform that brings together major banks, insurers and market infrastructure players
12h45 |
Group photo
13h00 |
Networking lunch
14h30 |
Panel 3: How will digitisation change and impact on the processes of guarantee institutions
Moderator and introductory speaker: Marie-Claude Taillandier–Thomas, Development Manager at The International and European Affairs Department, Bpifrance, France
Beatriz Freitas, President of the Board of Directors of SPGM, Portugal “Industry 4.0 – support for digitization”
Daniel Goupillat, President of the National Federation of the SOCAMA, France “Guarantee procedure via an app”
Antonio Couceiro, President of CESGAR, Spain “Digitisation and technological platform for guarantees”
Jēkabs Krieviņš, Member of the Board of Directors of Altum, Latvia “The digital journey of Altum”
Seán Farrell, Head of Product Development, SBCI Ireland “Creating a Digital Platform to serve a Digitising economy”
Bernhard Krautschneider, Deputy CIO aws, Austria “Digital all the way”
16h00 |
Closing Remarks
- Bernhard Sagmeister, Chairman of AECM
16h10 |
AECM annual event 2020 presentation
16h30 |
End of Seminar