What is the GNGI?
On Friday 24 June 2016 the Global Summit of SME Guarantee Organizations Leaders decided in Porto to set up a Global Network of Guarantee Institutions (GNGI) in order to improve credit access for SME worldwide.
The GNGI is a digitally-based Network. It operates without any fixed structure and without any formal obligation to its members apart from the ones set in the Revised Foundation Document. The GNGI has one or two Coordinator(s) agreed among its members and it has an online space in the AECM website.
The network serves as a platform for the exchange of information about the industry, in order to facilitate working together and making the guarantee business even more efficient. There is no mandatory fee to join. The network meets every year at one of its member’s annual events such as ACSIC, AECM, REGAR or MENA and a Global Coordinator is in charge of maintenance and representation. The coordinator of this project is José Fernando Figueiredo, inter alia Special Honorary Chairman of AECM.
GNGI’s mission is to help the Credit Guarantee Schemes that are members of the network to:
- promote the guarantee instruments worldwide
- facilitate the exchange of experiences
- share best practices among its members