Événement annuel 2017 de l’AECM

Le prochain événement annuel de l’AECM se tiendra à Madrid et nous serons accueillis par notre membre espagnol CESGAR. La date est fixée : l’événement, qui célébrera également le 25ème anniversaire de l’AECM, commencera le 31 mai par le traditionnel cocktail de bienvenue et se poursuivra le 1er juin avec l’Assemblée générale et la session publique de l’Assemblée générale […]

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AECM Annual Event 2017

AECM’s next Annual Event in 2017 will take place in Madrid, hosted by our Spanish member CESGAR. The date is set: the event will be launched with the customary welcome cocktail on May 31st  and will proceed throughout June 1st with the General Assembly and the public part of the Annual Seminar in the afternoon. […]

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AECM Annual Event 2017

AECM’s next Annual Event in 2017 will take place in Madrid, hosted by our Spanish member CESGAR. The date is set: the event will be launched with the customary welcome cocktail on May 31st  and will proceed throughout June 1st with the General Assembly and the public part of the Annual Seminar in the afternoon. […]

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Operational Training Session in Berlin

Our next Operational Training Session will take place in Berlin on the 13 and 14 February 2017 on “the effects of digitization on guarantee procedures: how technology is impacting the world of guarantees”. From internal workflows to on-line applications and FinTechs, we will have one day with external speakers and one internal day dedicated to […]

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Sessione di Formazione Operativa a Berlino

La nostra prossima sessione di formazione operativa (OTS) avré luogo a Berlino il 13 e 14 febbraio sul tema: “gli effetti della digitalizzazione sulle attività di garanzia: come la tecnologia impatta il mondo delle garanzie”. Dal miglioramento dei flussi di lavoro fino alle richieste di garanzia online ed alle FinTech, dedicheremo una giornata a relatori […]

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AECM Annual Event 2017

AECM’s next Annual Event in 2017 will take place in Madrid, hosted by our Spanish member CESGAR. The date is set: the event will be launched with the customary welcome cocktail on May 31st  and will proceed throughout June 1st with the General Assembly and the public part of the Annual Seminar in the afternoon. The Annual Seminar will take […]

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