Credit Guarantee Company in Egypt
What is the Credit Guarantee Company in Egypt

The Credit Guarantee Company in Egypt (CGC-Egypt) is the sole Guarantee Scheme in Egypt in operation since 1991 as a risk mitigation tool responsible for maintaining the stability of Egypt Economy by supporting the small business of the country and improving their access to finance, as well as to needed advisory services. CGC-Egypt is regulated by the Central Bank of Egypt. Main shareholders of the company are the Central Bank of Egypt and 6 banks. The company headquarters is in Cairo with 8 branches across the country.

Credit Guarantee Company in Egypt
F17, B226, Smart Village,
Cairo-Alex Desert Rd,
Giza, Egypt.
(+2) 2127 9000 – (+2) 2127 9200 CGC hotline 17001
(+2) 2127 9001 – (+2) 2127 9002