Operational Training Session in Vilnius

AECM will hold its Spring Operational Training Session in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the 9 and 10 May 2016. The event is organised in collaboration with our Lithuanian members INVEGA and Garfondas and the theme will be “Guarantee products and risk assessments. Evaluating risk for various types of guarantees”. The OTS is open only to the […]

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SIAGI signe l’accord de COSME

SIAGI signe l’accord de COSME pour renforcer le soutien financier des petites entreprises et des entreprises agricoles. Le 11 avril 2016, au siège de la BEI et en présence de Manuel Valls, Premier ministre français, et de Bernard Stalter, Président de notre membre français SIAGI, l’accord de COSME a été signé pour soutenir la compétitivité […]

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SIAGI signs COSME agreement

Strengthen cash support of Small Businesses and agriculture in France: SIAGI signs COSME agreement On April 11, 2016, at the EIB Headquarters and in presence of Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of the French Government, and Bernard Stalter, President of our French member SIAGI, signed the  COSME agreement to support business competitiveness. Through this program, SIAGI […]

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SIAGI firma l’accordo COSME

Rafforzare il supporto monetario delle piccole aziende e di quelle agricole in Francia: SIAGI firma l’accordo COSME. L’11 aprile 2016 presso la sede di EIB ed in presenza di Manuel Valls, primo ministro del governo francese, e Bernard Stalter, presidente del nostro membro francese SIAGI, é stato firmato l’accordo COSME a supporto della competitivitá dei […]

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SIAGI signs COSME agreement

Strengthen cash support of Small Businesses and agriculture in France: SIAGI signs COSME agreement On April 11, 2016, at the EIB Headquarters and in presence of Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of the French Government, and Bernard Stalter, President of our French member SIAGI, signed the  COSME agreement to support business competitiveness. Through this program, SIAGI […]

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EIF et KredEx lance EstFund

Le Fonds européen pour les investissements (FEI), KredEx et le Ministère estonien des affaires économiques et de la communication (MoE) ont signé aujourd’hui un accord de financement pour créer l’EstFund, un fonds de fonds de capital-risque de 60 millions d’euros investissant dans plusieurs fonds de capital risque. Ils l’investiront ensuite dans des entreprises estoniennes en […]

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EIF and KredEx launch EUR 60m EstFund

The European Investment Fund (EIF), KredEx and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MoE) have today signed a Funding Agreement to establish EstFund, a EUR 60 million risk capital fund-of-funds investing in several risk capital funds which will then invest primarily in Estonian enterprises. This initiative will target smaller and earlier stage investments, […]

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EIF and KredEx launch EUR 60m EstFund

The European Investment Fund (EIF), KredEx and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MoE) have today signed a Funding Agreement to establish EstFund, a EUR 60 million risk capital fund-of-funds investing in several risk capital funds which will then invest primarily in Estonian enterprises. This initiative will target smaller and earlier stage investments, […]

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Plan d’investissement pour l’Europe: 20 000 entreprises espagnoles bénéficieront de l’accord signé entre le FEI et la CERSA

Le Fonds européen d’investissement et la CERSA (Compañía Española de Reafianzamiento), membre du Ministère espagnol de l’industrie, ont signé les premiers accords de contre-garantie InnovFin et COSME en Espagne. Cette opération bénéficie du soutien du Fonds européen pour les investissements stratégiques (FEIS) au cœur du plan d’investissement en Europe. Le soutien de l’Union européenne pour […]

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