Evento annuale 2016: un grande successo!

L’evento annuale 2016 di AECM si é concluso lo scorso 25 giugno con un tour della città di Porto e del suo incredibile patrimonio culturale: un epilogo perfetto per un’occasione tanto speciale ed intensa che sará ricordata da tutti i partecipanti, relatori e organizzatori. Nel meraviglioso paesaggio di Porto, una ridente e affascinante cittadina portoghese […]

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Annual Event 2016: a big success!

The AECM Annual Event 2016 ended on the 25th of June with a tour of the city of Porto and its incredible heritage: a wonderful closure for a special and dense occasion which will be remembered by participants, speakers and organizers alike. In the beautiful frame of Porto, an exciting and charming Portuguese town which […]

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Operational Training Session in Vilnius

AECM will hold its Spring Operational Training Session in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the 9 and 10 May 2016. The event is organised in collaboration with our Lithuanian members INVEGA and Garfondas and the theme will be “Guarantee products and risk assessments. Evaluating risk for various types of guarantees”. The OTS is open only to the […]

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