Piano di investimento per l’Europa: 20,000 businesses in Spagna beneficieranno dell’accordo tra EIF e CERSA

Il Fondo d’Investimento Europeo (EIF) e la compagnia spagnola di rifinanziamento (CERSA)- parte del ministero spagnolo dell’industria, hanno firmato il primo InnovFin e l’accordo di controgaranzia COSME in Spagna. Queste transazioni potranno beneficiare del supporto del Fondo Europeo per gli Investimenti Strategici (EFSI), il cuore del Piano di Investimento per l’Europa. Il supporto dell’UE per […]

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Investment Plan for Europe: 20,000 businesses in Spain to benefit from EIF and CERSA deals

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Compañía Española de Reafianzamiento (CERSA) –part of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, have signed the first InnovFin and COSME counter-guarantee agreements in Spain. These transactions benefit from the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe. The EU support under […]

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Réservez la nouvelle date!

Notre prochain séminaire annuel se tiendra dans seulement cinq mois et nous en sommes réellement ravis. L’Assemblée générale et le séminaire ne se tiendront finalement pas à la date prévue : nous commencerons le soir du 21 juin par un cocktail de bienvenue, le 22 et le 23 juin seront consacrés à l’Assemblée générale et au […]

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Save the new date

Our next Annual Seminar is almost 5 months away and we are very excited about it.The General Assembly and Seminar will be on a slightly different date than previously announced: it will start on the 21 June with a welcome cocktail in the evening and then the 22 and 23 of June will be dedicated […]

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