Our next Operational Training Session will take place in Berlin on the 13 and 14 February 2017 on “the effects of digitization on guarantee procedures: how technology is impacting the world of guarantees”. From internal workflows to on-line applications and FinTechs, we will have one day with external speakers and one internal day dedicated to […]
Operational Training Session in Warsaw
On the 15 and 16 of September we will be in Warsaw, Poland, for the next Operational Training Session organized by AECM. The OTSs are reserved to the AECM members and deal with many different aspects of guarantee activity. In Warsaw we will be discussing and exchanging best practices on the everyday communication and collaboration […]
Launching a Global Network of Guarantee Organizations
On Friday 24 June 2016 the Global Summit of SME Guarantee Organizations Leaders decided in Porto to set up a Global Network of Guarantee Institutions in order to improve credit access for SME worldwide. Following the first Global Summit in 2007, the second meeting during the European Association of Guarantee Institution’s (AECM) annual event aimed […]
Annual Event 2016: a big success!
The AECM Annual Event 2016 ended on the 25th of June with a tour of the city of Porto and its incredible heritage: a wonderful closure for a special and dense occasion which will be remembered by participants, speakers and organizers alike. In the beautiful frame of Porto, an exciting and charming Portuguese town which […]
Countdown to the Annual Event in Porto!
Almost there… the program and all the info you need to take part in our upcoming Annual Event in Porto. Learn more
Operational Training Session in Vilnius
AECM will hold its Spring Operational Training Session in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the 9 and 10 May 2016. The event is organised in collaboration with our Lithuanian members INVEGA and Garfondas and the theme will be “Guarantee products and risk assessments. Evaluating risk for various types of guarantees”. The OTS is open only to the […]
SIAGI signs COSME agreement
Strengthen cash support of Small Businesses and agriculture in France: SIAGI signs COSME agreement On April 11, 2016, at the EIB Headquarters and in presence of Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of the French Government, and Bernard Stalter, President of our French member SIAGI, signed the COSME agreement to support business competitiveness. Through this program, SIAGI […]
EIF and KredEx launch EUR 60m EstFund
The European Investment Fund (EIF), KredEx and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MoE) have today signed a Funding Agreement to establish EstFund, a EUR 60 million risk capital fund-of-funds investing in several risk capital funds which will then invest primarily in Estonian enterprises. This initiative will target smaller and earlier stage investments, […]
Industria y las SGR financiarán pymes con 2.000 millones de euros
20.000 pymes españolas recibirán 2.000 millones de euros en financiación entre 2016 y 2017. Es lo que se desprende del último acuerdo firmado entre el Ministerio de Industria y la FEI, que corresponde a los programas Cosme y Horizonte 2020 de la Comisión Europea. También forma parte del acuerdo el Fondo Europeo de Inversiones (FEI), […]
¡Las inscripciones están abiertas!
¡Las inscripciones y reservas para el evento anual de la AECM en Porto ya están abiertas ! Toda la información y el enlace a la plataforma para reservar los hoteles y registrarse para el evento están en la página web dedicada. ¡Nos vemos en Porto !