Fedart Fidi is the National Federation of Artisanal and SME Credit Guarantees, established in 1994 by the initiative of the Confederations Confartigianato, CNA, and Casartigiani to represent the credit guarantee system for artisans and SMEs at the national level. To achieve these objectives, the Federation focuses its activities on the following areas: In its role […]
Partial Credit Guarantee Fund in Agriculture – PCGF
The Partial Credit Guarantee Fund in Agriculture (PCGF) is a recently established financial institution with a mission to support the sustainable development of agricultural MSMEs, particularly small farmers, by providing them with better access to financial sector resources through issuing partial credit guarantees. Establishment and development of PCGF is supported by the Ministry of Agrarian […]
Garanzia Etica
Garanzia Etica is a financial intermediary supervised by the Bank of Italy since 2010. Founded in 1975, Garanzia Etica is accompanying businesses, supporting their investments and growth, and facilitating the fulfilment of their financial needs by identifying the most appropriate technical forms and available facilitating measures. In line with market developments, Garanzia Etica has followed […]
The Organisation for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA) is a public institution under the Ministry of Economy with the mission to support the development of the entrepreneurial environment, including micro, small and medium enterprises, by promoting entrepreneurial culture, providing financial and technical assistance to companies, issuing financial and state guarantees, and providing business support infrastructure. ODA has […]
Switzerland’s four guarantee cooperatives, associated under the Network of Swiss Guarantee Institutions (NSGI), support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with start-up, investments and succession planning. As reliable partners, they facilitate their access to financing by guaranteeing bank loans of up to mCHF 1. In this way, they help SMEs to obtain the loans they need. […]
The Malta Development Bank (MDB) was established and commenced operations in 2017. It is fully owned by the Government of Malta. According to its mission, the MDB shall contribute towards sustainable economic development that benefits the Maltese people in line with public policy objectives by: The MDB’s strategic objective is to offer financing facilities that […]
MCGF (Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund of Azerbaijan) is a public fund that emerged from a merger between the Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund and the Credit Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2017. Its aim is to improve living conditions, create an efficient financing mechanism for housing construction, to attract local and foreign investors […]
The Greek Engineers and Public Works Contractors Fund, or TMEDE, was established in January 2017 with 31,000 individual members and 6,000 SMEs. Its principal purpose is to provide financial services in the form of loans and guarantees, and it operates under the guiding principles of solidarity and equitable distribution of risk among its members. TMEDE […]
Européenne de Cautionnement
Européenne de Cautionnement (EDC) was created in 1928 by entrepreneurs. Located in Paris, the EDC Group has 24,000 professional customers including small businesses, and merchants. The EDC Group provides guarantees to suppliers to help customers having payment facilities. As of end-2021, EDC had an outstanding guarantee volume of almost bEUR 1.8. AECM accession year 2018 […]
Finnvera provides financing for the start, growth and internationalisation of enterprises and guarantees against risks arising from exports. It strengthens the operating potential and competitiveness of Finnish enterprises by offering loans, domestic guarantees, export credit guarantees and other services associated with the financing of exports. The risks included in financing are shared between Finnvera and […]